Article “How I Stopped Being Cruel To My Wife & Saved My Marriage”
Author: Anonymous – Article written in website
In several months I have gone through a remarkable transformation (just ask my wife!). I will never doubt the ability of people to change, no matter how low they have fallen. I truly regret that I caused my wife so much pain. I cringe when I think how I was ready to end my marriage, especially now that I understand the problems stemmed from my flawed thinking and ignorance. I am deeply grateful to the Almighty that I read Garden of Peace before it was too late. It was a tragedy to get divorced the first time, but to ruin a second chance would have been beyond any words.
Hashem gives us the challenges we need. I believe my wife and I were meant for each other. My wife sensed a change unlike any previous attempts I had made in the past. We are in tune with each other on a much deeper level and I am committed to giving her the loving nourishment she deserves on a daily basis. It seems to be working. We have gone a record amount of time without a calamity and our interactions on a daily basis have been warm and positive. Our marital and family dynamic has changed. On a couple of occasions when my wife has expressed hostility towards me I knew exactly where the message was coming from and what to do. It didn’t matter if I thought she was justified or not; I now know what the endgame is about.
I don’t want to sugarcoat things and make this transformation sound too easy, but it wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I did put forth the personal and sincere effort to change, and once I did I felt Hashem guiding me to be the best husband I can be. You don’t have to believe me. If you think your marriage isn’t as great as it could be, read The Garden of Peace, put these insights into practice and see for yourself if it makes a difference.