
Hafrashat Challah

On November 4, 2018 we came together in Boro Park in Mira Davidova’s shul to partake in an amazing Hafrashas Challah class with Rabanit Cohen. This was the first of a series of classes with a super PowerPoint Presentation that brought the mitzvah of baking challah to life. The Rabanit spoke beautifully and every woman there was inspired by the meaning behind the mitzvah.
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Purim Party 2018

Our Annual 2018 Purim Party was a blast. The evening began with a heart-to-heart talk by one of our endeared members of Ohel Sara, Tova Mashiyeva who spoke about her feelings concerning the organization, her experiences and how much inspiration she drew in her life and the life of her children. This heartwarming speech was followed by a beautiful welcoming of the Rabanit Kineret Sarah Cohen who was greeted by a loud round of applause and with gifts for her dedication to the women and Torah learning. The Rabanit proceeded to give an amazing but short shiur on the power of Purim and the strength of the woman.
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Rabee Meir Baal Ha’nes Seudah For Women

This past Wednesday night Ohel Sara hosted an amazing Yahrtzeit Seudah for the famed Rabbi Meir Baal Ha’nes (a”h). Rabanit Cohen honored us by hosting the event in her home and we squeezed as many women as we could into a small living room area. It felt like the walls were expanding as more and more women attended. Unfortunately, because there was only so much place in the living room many more women who wished to attend could not.
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Purim Visits and The Etz Ha’chaim Campaign

On Purim, I made it my mission to visit every community where my talmidot in New York and New Jersey reside (I apologize that I wasn’t able to make it the other communities outside NY).

I wanted the talmidot to know how much I appreciate their efforts and commitment to Torah learning and wished to distribute small mishluchei manot to them and their children.
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Purim Party 2017

This past Adar, (March 6, 2017), Ohel Sara hosted a grand celebration in honor of Chag Purim and the one year anniversary of shiurim for the new group that was established in Flatbush, Brooklyn.

The Rabanit is always happy when new groups of women begin to organize Torah classes, and Baruch Hashem, this new group, (one of many) has made its bi-monthly commitment to attend shiurim.

The group was started by two young Bucharian women who decided that they wanted the women in their community to attain more chizuk and learn more about Torah and our mesorah.

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