On Purim, I made it my mission to visit every community where my talmidot in New York and New Jersey reside (I apologize that I wasn’t able to make it the other communities outside NY).
I wanted the talmidot to know how much I appreciate their efforts and commitment to Torah learning and wished to distribute small mishluchei manot to them and their children.
It was also my intention to collect tzedakah for all the wonderful causes and projects that we are involved in, including the construction and maintaining of this amazing site that is going to continue to spread knowledge of Torah And Yahadut to women around the world.
So many of the talmidot welcomed me with such warmth and they opened their hearts and donated generously to Ohel Sara. May Hashem reward them for their generosity.
The Etz Ha’chaim Campaign is an ongoing fundraising campaign that has no end….why? Because just as Torah is infinite with no end, so too is its study. Therefore, this campaign is ongoing as we continue to use the incoming funds for the spreading of Torah and Yahadut across the globe; as we continue to inspire, elevate and teach the Jewish women about their strengths and obligations; as we continue to coach them and assist them through any challenge they face.
We hope that the “Etz Ha’chaim, the Torah which gives life, will be the tree that all our talmidot cling to in this dark galut. And as we know, those who cling to this Etz Ha’chaim are guaranteed happiness, success, and an elevated place in shamayim.
Anyone who wishes to be a part of this campaign can always contribute wether monthly or even a one time contribution. May the merits of your support to keep the Torah circulating in various communities throughout the world, help to support you and give you strength as you proceed on your journey of Life.
To Donate To The Etz Ha’chaim Campaign Click Here