Zoom Classes

We are pleased to offer the opportunity of Zoom classes with Rabanit K. Sara Cohen!

At Ohel Sara, we recognize the advancements of modern technology and are using them le’shem shamayim in order to spread Torah to women all over the world. Click on the demo presentation below to find out more information on how the private classes with the Rabanit work and how you could enhance your Torah studies and take them to a whole new level.

To register for any of the classes, click the register button and fill out the registration form. An Ohel Sara staff member will contact you to set up your personalized class schedule and complete your registration. You will not be charged until class scheduling arrangements have been finalized.

BEREISHIT - 5 Part Series

.Part 1
The Beginning (Gan Eden)  -  Free Will vs. Mitzvot -  The Dynamics & Strategies Of The Satan -  Battling The Yetzer  -  Free Will vs. G-d’s Will

Group Rate:
$180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Part 2
The First Murder In History That Leads To The Tragedy Of Noach and the Mabul

Group Rate: $180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Part 3
Why the Torah began with the letter Bet and ends with the letter "Mem." - The secret of the lower waters and the higher waters that cried out to Hashem amid their creation - The secret of the moon and its diminishment - Why is a woman exempt from the mitzvah of being fruitful and multiplying? - The two "yuds" that appear in the word, "Vayitzer - and Hashem created," and the secret lessons of these two yuds and how they apply to our life.

Group Rate: $180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Part 4
The mechanism of the woman and how it is related to her connection with a man - The "operation" Hashem made on Adam when He created the woman from his flesh - The "rib/side" Hashem used to fashion the woman - what is it and what is its secret? - "Arumim," - the real meaning of nakedness - The Great Rebellion between the neshamah and the body

Group Rate: $180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Part 5
The secret of why Hashem removed the legs from the nachash - The secret of how the yetzer hara and malach hamavet were created from the sin of the Etz Ha'daat - The secret of the clothing Hashem fashioned for Adam and Chavah - Who was Chanoch really and who did he become?

Group Rate: $180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

The Purpose Of Shabat - Why Do We Observe The Shabat? - Days Of Creation – The Seventh Day - Melachah vs. Work
Women & Shabat – The Power Of Shabat – Shabat Foods & Their Significance - Shabat & Teshuvah - The Fires Of Geyhinam

Group Rate:
$190.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Delve into the history, challenges and secrets of one of the most beloved and miraculous holidays
Number of Sessions: Up to 20
Group Rate:
$190.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

A thorough and comprehensive look into the beginning stages and building of the Jewish nation. Who were our forefathers? What were their struggles? What lessons are we meant to learn from their lives and challenges?

Group Rate:
$190.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

An incredible journey through the book of Shemot.  Learn about the Jewish exile and redemption. Who was Paroh? Who was Moshe? What were their tasks as leaders? What caused the Egyptian exile? How did the Jewish nation survive the exile?  What are the lessons to be learned from their journey from slaves to a redeemed nation? How does the exile and redemption from Egypt mirror the End Of Days?

Group Rate:
$180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Modeh Ani – Birkot Ha’Shachar – Key Tefilot In Pesukei De’zimrah
Hallel - Key Tefilot In Shmonei Esrei - Aleynu

Group Rate: $180.00 per month. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $225.00 per month.

Science & Medical Facts - Nature & The Woman - Rosh Chodesh & Mikveh - Secrets Of The Waters  – Secret Of The Counting 7 Clean Days – The Rivers Of Gan Eden - Mystical View. Includes Mikveh Video
Number of Sessions: 7
Group Rate: $400.00 for the entire series. Minimum of 5 people to open the series.
Individual Rate: $600.00