Parshat Ki Tetze: We've Got The Whole World In Our Hands - 09.10.24
Parshat Shoftim: The King Is In The Field - 09.01.24
Parshat Re'eh: The Blessing Of An Open Hand - 08.25.24
Parshat Ekev: Do We Really Fear G-d? - 08.18.24
Parshat Nitzavim: The Effects Of Negative Influences - 09.04.23
Parshat Ki Tetze: Preparing Ourselves For The Days Of Awe - 08.20.23
Parshat Re'eh: Seeing Is A Blessing - 08.07.23
Parshat Ekev: My Son, My Son - 07.30.23
Parshat Reeh: Living On The Mountain Of Mercy - 08.21.22
Parshat Ekev: Is Food Good For My Soul? - 08.15.22
Parshat Nitzavim: Rectifying The Day Of Judgment Pt. 2 - 09.06.20
Parshat Ki Tetze: Going Out To War - 08-24-2020
Parshat Shoftim: Does The End Justify The Means? - 08.16.2020
Parshat Ekev: The Torah Of Your Mother - 08-04-20
Parshat Va'etchnan: Thanking Hashem For The Good - 07.27.20
Parshat Re'eh: Society's Influence - 08.28.2019
Parshat Va'etchanan - The Power of Tefilah
Va’Etchanan - 08 15 16
Ki Tetzei Lessons
Parshat Ki Tavo - Can Heavenly Decrees Be Changed?
Parshat Ki Tavo: Teshuvah 09 20 16
Parshat Eikev: Small Deeds Big Accomplishments 2016
Ekev - Yaakov's Mezuzah
Parshat Reeh 2015
Re'eh - Open Your Hand For A Blessing
Parshat Ki Tetzei 2015
Parshat Ki Tetze - The Whole World Is In My Hands
Parshat Eikev 2015
Parshat Ki Tetze: We've Got The Whole World In Our Hands - 09.10.24
In this fascinating lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen reveals the secret of mankind's connection to the entire world and how every action good or not good affects the creation. -
Parshat Shoftim: The King Is In The Field - 09.01.24
In this inspiring lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about the Days of Awe, the significance of the month of Elul and how we could achieve rectification through 3 key ingredients. -
Parshat Re'eh: The Blessing Of An Open Hand - 08.25.24
In this informative and powerful lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about the power of charity, the blessings it brings to the world and why it's important to be a person with an open hand to those in need. -
Parshat Ekev: Do We Really Fear G-d? - 08.18.24
In this thought-provoking lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen discusses the idea of fear of Heaven, how to achieve it, the stumbling blocks and what Hashem truly wants from us. -
Parshat Nitzavim: The Effects Of Negative Influences - 09.04.23
In this informative and inspirational lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about Moshe Rabeinu's final speech to the nation and the words he imparted that are lifetimes lessons for future generations. -
Parshat Ki Tetze: Preparing Ourselves For The Days Of Awe - 08.20.23
In this intriguing lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen discusses the mitzvah of a Jewish battle in ancient times and how the law concerning the "beautiful captive woman" applies to how we tackle the evil inclination and prepare for the Days of Awe. -
Parshat Re'eh: Seeing Is A Blessing - 08.07.23
In this incredible lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us the blessing of sight and viewing things in life properly. We learn about the power of one good deed and how far reaching it is. Learn about the spiritual affects of one mitzvah and how it impacts the entire world. -
Parshat Ekev: My Son, My Son - 07.30.23
In this inspiring and educational lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen uses the weekly parshah to teach us about parents' role when rearing and educating their children. Citing examples from David Ha'melech, we learn the role of parents and the great responsibility they bear when bringing children into the world. -
Parshat Reeh: Living On The Mountain Of Mercy - 08.21.22
In this extremely powerful lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about the two ancient mountains of Gerizim and Eival and how they represents the attributes of strict judgment and mercy. We learn how we could live between the two mountains and draw forth blessings from each. -
Parshat Ekev: Is Food Good For My Soul? - 08.15.22
In this incredible and fascinating lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us how proper eating feeds our souls, how it can elevate our spirit, and redeem the holy sparks imbedded in our food. Learn about the secrets of food and its affect on our thoughts and emotional healing. -
Parshat Nitzavim: Rectifying The Day Of Judgment Pt. 2 - 09.06.20
In part two of this informative 2-part series, Rabani K. Sarah Cohen continues to fascinate us with insights to the great day of judgment and how we could rectify that day and bring salvation to the world. -
Parshat Ki Tetze: Going Out To War - 08-24-2020
In this inspirational lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen takes us back to ancient times to analyze the manner in which Jewish soldiers went out to war - and teaches us the importance of doing battle against the greatest enemy known to mankind, the evil inclination, Learn how to gird yourself with strength as you proceed into a New Year. -
Parshat Shoftim: Does The End Justify The Means? - 08.16.2020
In this powerful lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen helps us understand the Torah's opinion and perspective concerning goals in life and what road a person is permitted to walk upon in order to attain that goal. -
Parshat Ekev: The Torah Of Your Mother - 08-04-20
In this inspirational lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen provides the Jewish woman with encouragement. This lecture is packed with lessons about the responsibility the Jewish mother was given and her incredible strength. -
Parshat Va'etchnan: Thanking Hashem For The Good - 07.27.20
In this informative lecture filled with so many lessons, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about David Ha'melech's words in Sefer Tehilim, "Hodu la'Hashem ki tov." Learn what thanking Hashem entails and how to see the good in everything. -
Parshat Re'eh: Society's Influence - 08.28.2019
In this very interesting lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about the deeper interpretations as well as novel ideas regarding of the laws of giving charity. -
Parshat Va'etchanan - The Power of Tefilah
Va’Etchanan - 08 15 16
Ki Tetzei Lessons
Parshat Ki Tavo - Can Heavenly Decrees Be Changed?
Parshat Ki Tavo: Teshuvah 09 20 16
Parshat Eikev: Small Deeds Big Accomplishments 2016
Ekev - Yaakov's Mezuzah
Parshat Reeh 2015
Re'eh - Open Your Hand For A Blessing
Parshat Ki Tetzei 2015
Parshat Ki Tetze - The Whole World Is In My Hands
Parshat Eikev 2015