Kislev: Rising To The Top - 12.04.24
Parshat Toldot: Who Was Yaakov's Real Twin? - 11.24.24
Parshat Chayei Sarah: The Covenant Between The Parts - 11.18.24
Kislev: Rising To The Top - 12.04.24
In this inspirational and uplifting lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen teaches us about the characteristic of oil and the Jewish people, about the miracle of the nation of Israel and the significance of the number eight. -
Parshat Toldot: Who Was Yaakov's Real Twin? - 11.24.24
In this fascinating lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen reveals the secret of the twins born to Rivkah. Who were they? What was their mission in the world? And was Esav really Yaakov's twin? -
Parshat Chayei Sarah: The Covenant Between The Parts - 11.18.24
In this fascinating lecture, Rabanit K. Sarah Cohen reveals the secret of the 70 nations of the world and their leaders - as well as how a Jew can combat these gentile nations to remain safe and invincible.