Event and Program Donation Opportunities

Ohel Sara organizes inspiring events and programs for women and young girls. Your assistance will enable us to continue our good work and reach many more.

Donations can be made using PayPal or with a credit card.
You will have an opportunity to add a dedication before finalizing your donation.

All USD donations are tax-deductible EIN# 26-0152784


Sponsorships over $500.00 can be made in installments. Please call us at 718-813-9193 to make arrangements.

Rosh Hashanah Event
Lecture and Prayer Event With Music

Chanukah Event
Gathering for young women with food, music and inspirational words

Challah Baking Event
Women will learn the beauty of this mitzvah from A to Z and make their own Challah dough.


Sponsorships over $500.00 can be made in installments. Please call us at 718-813-9193 to make arrangements.

Torah Classes and Tutoring
Sponsor Zoom lessons for those who can’t afford it.

Teach a Convert
Holy converts need learning partners to teach them the material required for conversion. This involves many hours of lessons. Help a convert join the Jewish nation and merit an eternal reward.

An inspiring Shabat Experience For Women and Young Girls

General Event and Program Donation Opportunities





Any Amount

To Donate by check

Please make check payable to "Ohel Sara Cong." and mail to:

Ohel Sara
c/o Cohen
2052 62nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204

All Ohel Sara Donations are considered ma’aser and tax deductible (registered 501(c)3 not for profit organization)